Sheehan Personal Training

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5 Ways Exercise Makes You Look and Feel Younger

Exercise is always recommended because of its obvious health benefits. Health benefits aren’t the only benefits one can get through exercising, though. Exercise can also help you look and feel younger! Get in your regular exercise and you’ll be feeling and looking like your best self! Here’s how exercise can help you get that young look that I know everyone wants to keep:

Silky, Smooth, & Glowing Skin

Exercise is a big factor in helping your skin stay fresh and young. It was found that exercise creates body substances that help slow aging in skin. Frequent exercise also leads to frequent sweating which helps your skin rid of impurities more often, leaving it glowing and healthy!

Less Stress

Exercise is great when it comes to controlling your stress levels. When doing any type of physical activity endorphins are released in our brains which reduce stress. Extended periods of stress can have a dramatic effect on how our bodies function physically and mentally. Stress can cause premature wrinkles as well as produce more cortisol. Cortisol breaks down collagen in your skin and eventually, your skin cells won’t be able to naturally rebuild the collagen like they used to.

Slower Aging Cells

Our bodies age at the chromosomal level. At the tips of each chromosome is something called telomeres. Telomeres control a cell’s aging process, and as we age telomeres get shorter and shorter. Keeping your telomeres longer is the key for longer healthier living. The more you exercise the longer it takes for telomeres to slow down. This will keep you looking and feeling younger than other people your same age who do not participate in regular exercise.

Keeping Your Posture

As people age, they experience muscle loss and bone density changes which causes posture problems. Strength training builds muscle and bone health, especially in your core and along your spine, so you naturally stand taller. There have also been some correlations between our psychological state and posture. Since we know exercise makes us feel psychologically powerful, we naturally stop slouching and straighten up.

Sleep Better

It is known that regular exercise helps people fall asleep more easily and makes them more likely to experience deep REM sleep. A night of good sleep helps all the systems in your body function optimally and allows your body to get the rest it needs. If your body is properly rested, you will look less tired and feel better every day.