The Recipe – Avocado Salsa

If you’re like me, you’ve got a backyard BBQ or two that you are headed to before this summer is out.  You never want to show up empty-handed and a great way to try to stay on track is to bring a healthy dish.  I’ve been bringing “something healthy” to many a party for a long time, but among my repertoire, it is my famous Avocado Salsa that is most often requested.  

First of all – let me give credit where credit is due.  This really isn’t “my” recipe.   I got this recipe from my long-time Rhode Island hair stylist, Karen.  It is her cursive penmanship that you see on this well-worn recipe card.  In fact, when she gave me this recipe many years ago, she told me that when she would bring this salsa to a cookout, she would put a stack of recipe cards right next to it because so many people would ask her for the recipe.  

I could go on and on about the people who stop me in grocery stores, on the streets of Mansfield, during an Open House at school or who email me to tell me they have made this and that it was the best thing they ever made, but let’s get to the recipe.  I will tell you one secret:  if I’m going to a really big party, I will often double this recipe, to keep some at home.  Not only is it a great salsa, it goes great on salads and we like it with grilled chicken in tortillas for dinner.  Just cover the top tightly with plastic wrap to keep the avocados from browning.

Avocado Salsa

1 large red onion

2 red peppers

¾ bag of frozen corn (I often just put the whole bag in)

3-4 cloves of garlic

2 small cans of sliced black olives, finely chopped

½ tsp oregano

½ cup lemon juice

1/3 cup olive oil

3 T. cider vinegar

Salt & Pepper to taste

4 avocadoes, perfectly ripe

Chop all ingredients (except avocados) and mix together.  Refrigerate.  Just before serving add chopped avocados and mix well.  Serve with tortilla chip of choice.

How do you get the avocadoes perfectly ripe?

Ah, that is a learned skill.  You know that your avocadoes are perfectly ripe when you press them with your thumb and you leave a good dent.  It is rare to find avocadoes in such a state of high-ripeness at your local grocery store.  Typically they are either green and hard or over-ripe (brown and mushy).  I typically buy them in their hard, green state several days ahead of making this recipe and then I monitor their journey as they ripen.  I keep them on our kitchen counter and I put them in a sealed paper bag if they need extra coaxing.  If you are really desperate (yes, I’ve done this), you can resort to the microwave method of ripening.  It is somewhat effective.

Is this recipe really healthy?

Well, it is if you don’t eat the whole bowl by yourself! Also, the salsa is mostly made up of avocado, known for so many health benefits, such as high amounts of Potassium, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, and fiber.  Choose your chip wisely – or use it alongside other foods at the BBQ – such as grilled meat or poultry, grilled vegetable or on top of salad.

I hope this salsa lives up to the hype that I’ve created here.  You will have to make it and let me know.  Leave your comments below!


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